Barnacle Goose

2 color rings with 1 character each


Henk van der Jeugd, Sander Moonen send e-mail
website none
ring area The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic and Russia
animals 16414
observations 427584, of which 26015 are captures
ringed in 1979 to 2025

In barnacle geese, coloured leg rings with one inscription on each ring have been in use since 1979. Eight different colours are used: lime, white, yellow and orange with black inscription. green, blue, red and black with white inscription.

Almost all combinations of these colours occur. Pay close attention to which colour is on the left and which on the right! By now, tens of thousands of birds with combinations of these rings have been ringed in the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic and Russia in the various colour-ringing projects. These projects have been carried out by a large number of people working at a wide range of institutes: RIN, Alterra, WEnR, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NIOO-KNAW, Uppsala Universitet, Gotland University, Russian Academy of Sciences and Århus University.

Birds with broken or missing rings are regularly re-ringed.

The coordination of the colour-ringing project on barnacle geese is currently in the hands of Henk van der Jeugd (NIOO-KNAW) and Sander Moonen (WEnR).

Example bird

Shorthand: B=O1 explanation
This is an arbitrary example of a bird that might not exist.

Data entry