
yellow ring with 4 characters (first=E)


Tijs van den Berg send e-mail
website http://www.vrsdehaar.nl/
cr-birding https://cr-birding.org/node/3764
ring area The Netherlands, provinces Utrecht, Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland
animals 655
observations 1743, of which 731 are captures
ringed in 2016 to 2024

At different locations in the Netherlands Jackdaws are provided with yellow color rings with an inscription starting with the letter E. The purpose of adding these rings is to gain more insight into the survival and spread of Jackdaws. The birds are mainly ringed in different places within built-up areas. With this research we hope to find out whether the birds that live in urban areas also use the countryside or whether these are different populations. Every observation, especially outside our own research area, is therefore of great importance.

Example bird

Shorthand: Y-E011 explanation
This is an arbitrary example of a bird that might not exist.

Data entry