Northern Lapwing
1 white flag with 2 characters and orange marker
coordinator |
Benny Middendorp
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cr-birding | |
ring area | Nederland, omgeving Den Haag, Leiden en Zoetermeer. Verder een gebied omgeving Deventer en Zutphen (IJssel). Ring jaren 2014 tot en met 2024. |
animals | 387 |
observations | 1074, of which 390 are captures |
ringed in | 2014 to 2024 |
Adults and chick Northern lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) are colourringed from te breeding seasons 2014 and later for RAS survival analyses research in a catching area in the province of Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
Example bird
Shorthand: Wf-9S/O
This is an arbitrary example of a bird that might not exist.