
darkgreen or black ring with 2 characters


Tijs van den Berg send e-mail
ring area The Netherlands, in 2014 spread across the country, since then mainly near Utrecht
animals 1453
observations 1564, of which 1448 are captures
ringed in 2014 to 2020

After termination of the national project "Jaar van de spreeuw" (Year of the Startling) in 2014 VRS het Gooi and VRS de Haar joined efforts to continue the colour ringing research on this species. The birds are ringed at various locations in Utrecht en het Gooi, The Netherlands. Both nestlings as well as flying hatch year birds and adults are included in this project. Using colour rings we hope to increase the number of reports of these bird, thereby allowing us to learn more about migration, dispersal and survival.

Besides numbers and letters 4 special signs were also used: ":" (colum), "*" (asterisk), "#" (hachtag) and "+" (plus).

Example bird

Shorthand: N-:F explanation
This is an arbitrary example of a bird that might not exist.

Data entry