
white ring with 3 characters and some with green flag


Wim Tijsen send e-mail
website none
ring area The Netherlands, Wieringen
animals 535
observations 13796, of which 1010 are captures
ringed in 2000 to 2023

The project is a Retrapping Adults for Survival project at the former island of Wieringen on the most northern point of Noord-Holland. Since 2000 several hundreds of birds are ringed. The survival rate differs per year, but is normally between 75 and 95% for adults. Most birds are seen in the breeding area, but there are also some interesting ring readings along the flyway between Netherlands and Africa.

All birds have a wihite ring on the tibia (with a letter followed bij 2 digits). Some birds also have a green flag on the other tibia.

Example bird

Shorthand: W-K31 explanation
This is an arbitrary example of a bird that might not exist.

Data entry